News, Infos und Termine


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KI-gestützte Textgenerierung und KI-gestützte Übersetzung mit ac.PIM​...


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ETIM 10.0 - voraussichtlich im Spätherbst 2024

Die neuste Version des ETIM-Modells wird im ac.PIMk-tool und ac.PIM verfügbar sein…


Wussten Sie schon...

...dass Ihnen im Texteditor die Funktion "Suchen&Ersetzen" zur Verfügung steht?


Functioning solutions for your data management

In e-commerce, your business success depends on how well your product data is available. That's why it's worth it pays to invest in professional communication of your product data. We offer working solutions for your Product data management .

With ac.PIM und PXM

With our media-neutral data management you create more user experience (UX) on your online marketplaces. Provide personalised product information that is adapted to different sales adapted to different sales channels.

PXM: Booster for the Customer Journey

Influence customers' buying decisions by personalising product information for them.

Inspire your customers with additional information and intelligently control the purchase process and the customer journey.

Create product experiences (UX) through descriptions of application possibilities and product benefits, through emotions and entertainment.

Adapt your product communication to the different sales channels (B2B / B2C).